Saturday, June 7, 2008

Semakau Tidal Walk on 7th June 2008

Today is a third day in a roll that I woke up early to explore another inter-tidal area. I'm going to Semakau Island with a group of students & teachers from Jurongville
One of the small group - Puffer fish guided by En. This group ask me if that will be able to see puffer fish, since they are named after Puffer fish? . . . since we are going to a shore, to nature not a aquarium. Nobody can guaranteed if they can be found as animals do move about!
Waiting to onboard the boat to Semakau.
While on the way to Semakau, SY shouted Dolphin! Dolphin!. . . Yes. Indeed is 3 dolphins swimming about 50 meters away from our boat. As the sky is still dark and without my zoom lens, I didn't manage to take any photo. sigh!

This is the only Sand shifting star also known as Common seastar that was found today. The lots of black eyes telling me that this is the Stichopus ocellatus sea cucumber.and the Stonefish sea cucumber (Actinopyga lecanora)A cowryGlossodoris atromarginata nudibranch
a group of two probably Phyllidia pustulosa
The puffer fish that one of the group asked about was found.Another sea star that is real big with such a striking red colour - a nobbly Sea Star (Protoreaster nodosus)An anemones with nice partner - an anemones clown fishAnother found of the day was this pretty with beautiful eyes - Tiger Tail Sea Horse!

With that, we start to turn back as the thunder storm is one our way. We could see the mainland is raining very heavily.Once we arrived at the Visitor Centre, Main Building so as the heavy rain! What a wonderful day again!

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